Online Narcissistic Abuse Community & Resource App

Fully Recover from Narcissistic Abuse & Reclaim Your Life

If you've found yourself entangled in the cycle of abusive relationships, feeling lost, unsure, and seeking answers, you're not alone. Join our private community for support, access to all Richard Grannon courses, livestreams, resources, and more. Gain the confidence and insights needed to finally end the cycle of narcissistic abuse.

looking to overcome narcissistic abuse?

The Richard Grannon Community combines expert insights on narcissistic abuse recovery with practical, step-by-step guidance to help you reclaim your life. Learn vital skills such as setting boundaries, recognizing toxic patterns, and building self-confidence. Dive into the psychological concepts behind abuse and discover innovative techniques for healing. The Richard Grannon Community membership is designed to help you:

Gain Clarity: Understand narcissistic abuse dynamics with clear, actionable insights. Access reliable information and effective recovery strategies from Richard Grannon.
Empower Yourself: Build tools to protect yourself and foster healthier relationships. Benefit from proven methods and continuous support on your healing journey.
Build Confidence: Strengthen your emotional fortitude and break free from toxic patterns. Learn innovative techniques to reclaim control of your life.

everything you need to break free

We combined the entire library of Richard Grannon's courses and added ongoing support features to create the ultimate resource vault for recovering from narcissistic abuse. This comprehensive community offers everything you need for healing and growth, with direct access to Richard Grannon himself.

A laptop, phone, and tablet with a screen showing a picture of a man.

What’s Included in the community


Digital Training & Video Library

Access our core course, "Unplug from the Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse," along with a wealth of video content designed to educate and empower you. Dive deep into the mechanics of narcissistic abuse and learn how to establish firm boundaries and assert yourself confidently in any situation.


Ask Richard Q&A Sessions

Have specific questions or need guidance? Participate in regular Q&A sessions with Richard Grannon himself. These sessions provide personalized advice and insights, helping you navigate your unique journey with expert support.

Three cell phones with video images and text

Monthly Webinars & Livestreams

Engage with Richard and the community through monthly webinars and regular livestreams. These interactive events offer live learning opportunities, discussions on emerging topics in narcissistic abuse recovery, and practical tips for applying what you’ve learned.


Private Community

Join a private, supportive group where you can connect with others who are on the same path. Share your experiences, gain insights from peers, and find encouragement as you work towards healing and empowerment.

Richard Grannon Community Membership

You Get:
Digital Training & Videos: Access to an ongoing video vault, including in-depth courses such as "Unplug from the Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse" and more Richard Grannon courses (Over $1,000+ of value!).
Ask Richard: Personal advice during Q&A sessions.
Webinars & Livestreams: Monthly events for tips and community support.
Private Community: A private place to connect and share with others.
Start With a 2-Day Free Trial
Try everything risk-free. Cancel anytime.
You Get:
Digital Training & Videos: Access to an ongoing video vault, including in-depth courses such as "Unplug from the Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse" and more Richard Grannon courses (Over $1,000+ of value!).
Ask Richard: Personal advice during Q&A sessions.
Webinars & Livestreams: Monthly events for tips and community support.
Private Community: A private place to connect and share with others.
Start With a 2-Day Free Trial
Try everything risk-free. Cancel anytime.

Hear from Our Community

A man wearing glasses and a black shirt.

"I deeply appreciate Richard Grannon's work in helping people understand and overcome narcissistic abuse and cult brainwashing. While what was done to many of us might have been unavoidable and perhaps out of our control, the healing and preventative measures are very much in our control. Grannon inspires us to find our individuated self and interrelate with society as a more whole human, dropping essential knowledge for living a more meaningful life."

Mark Vicente, Film Director

A man with long hair wearing a hat and tie.

"Grannon helps us navigate the most difficult terrains of the human psyche with a unique combination of intellect, humor, and personal experience. Rather than keep his distance behind a cold glass partition, he reaches out to say, 'This is what happened to me, and these are the techniques that helped me get through it."

Sean Ono Lennon, Musician

A woman wearing glasses looking at the camera.

"Richard Grannon is simply the best!He've helped me getting through an ugly breakup. I'm doing great now but keep listening and learning because it's so interesting to understand layers and layers and...
Thank you for being so amazing!"


A woman is smiling and posing for a picture.

I'vebeen following Mr. Grannon, drawn to his authenticity discussing NPD. Inspiredby his story, I bought "A Cult of One," adding depth to my healingjourney. Philosophy and psychology fascinate me, and his philosophy channelresonates deeply. Richard's use of his experiences to aid others earns myrespect. He inspires me to pursue solution-focused hypnotherapy, specializingin PTSD and CPTSD. Thanks to Richard, his team, and guest speakers for theirdedication in providing valuable tools for healing.


A black and white photo of a woman smiling.

In 2020, I stumbled upon Richard Grannon while researching "repetitioncompulsion," seeking insight into my recurring mistakes. For two years,his warmth and humor filled my ears, guiding me out of codependency's darknessthrough his courses. Richard's brilliance in emotional regulation and healingfrom CPTSD is unmatched. Thanks to him, I've learned to self-source andsafeguard my life force, achieving sovereignty. Though no longer needing hisguidance, I'm forever grateful for his historic contribution to online healing.


A close up of a person wearing a black shirt.

Thanks to you, a few good friends, and a decade of martial arts training, I've overcome my violent ex. Two years with him and 1.5 years of disciplined effort to move on led to a better life today. I no longer follow your Instagram or YouTube, or any narcissist-related content—a sign of healing. Keep up your empowering work, demanding responsibility without pity, aiding countless like me.


A woman with long hair smiling at the camera.

"Big thank you for saving my life! Finally over my violent ex, thanks to you, friends, & 10 years of martial arts. Today, life's better than ever. After 2 years with him & 1.5 years of disciplined work, I no longer subscribe to Instagram or YouTube or anyone teaching about narcissists. Interpreted as a sign of healing. Keep helping without babying, demanding responsibility for our own lives."


A close up of a person

Richard Grannon's knowledge and insight on narcissism and the effects of this type of relationship helped me understand my own. His tools on CPTSD and trauma became everyday practices I used to navigate my own life. The five-finger technique I found uniquely helpful. His humor and presence on YouTube are comforting and pleasant to watch and listen to. His book, Cult of One, was easy to comprehend and an enjoyable read.


A woman with blonde hair sitting in a car.

Richard Grannon's YouTube videos shed light on my experiences after years with a diagnosed Narcissist claiming bipolarity. His channel led me to his courses, pulling me from darkness. Daily, I'm thankful for finding his content. I highly recommend "Unplug from the Matrix" too.


A black and white photo of a smiling woman.

I stumbled across Richard during an interview and was struck by his insightful explanation of narcissism. Now a consistent student of his content, I frequently recommend his videos. Richard's vast knowledge of NPD is accessible and engaging. He delivers difficult truths in a way that makes it easier to understand and provides actionable guidance. His self-understanding prompts greater responsibility and compassion. I'm grateful he shares his knowledge freely.


Join a Community Built to Support You in Your Journey

Personalized Expertise: Our community is guided by the specialized knowledge and hands-on approach of Richard Grannon, blending psychological depth with practical resilience strategies for a truly holistic healing experience.

In-Depth Digital Training: This isn’t just a program—it's a comprehensive journey into understanding and dismantling the impacts of narcissistic abuse, curated to foster self-assurance and boundary mastery.

Direct Engagement and Support: Through our interactive Q&A sessions, webinars, and live streams, you gain direct access to Richard's insights and a platform for real-time engagement, making your learning experience dynamic and personalized.

A Community of Courage and Compassion: Beyond a program, our Private Community is a sanctuary for shared experiences and mutual support, emphasizing the power of community in the healing process.

Accessible Empowerment for All: With our commitment to making healing accessible, we offer this transformative experience at an affordable price, complete with a 2-day free trial to ensure it's the right fit for you.

A man with a beard and glasses sitting in front of a microphone.A woman sitting in front of a microphone.A bearded man with headphones speakingA man and a woman standing next to each other.

Richard Grannon Community Membership

You Get:
Digital Training & Videos: Access to an ongoing video vault, including in-depth courses such as "Unplug from the Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse" and more Richard Grannon courses (Over $1,000+ of value!).
Ask Richard: Personal advice during Q&A sessions.
Webinars & Livestreams: Monthly events for tips and community support.
Private Community: A private place to connect and share with others.
Start With a 2-Day Free Trial
Try everything risk-free. Cancel anytime.
You Get:
Digital Training & Videos: Access to an ongoing video vault, including in-depth courses such as "Unplug from the Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse" and more Richard Grannon courses (Over $1,000+ of value!).
Ask Richard: Personal advice during Q&A sessions.
Webinars & Livestreams: Monthly events for tips and community support.
Private Community: A private place to connect and share with others.
Start With a 2-Day Free Trial
Try everything risk-free. Cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need More Support?

Reach out to our dedicated support team, and we'll be happy to assist!

What makes the Richard Grannon Community different from other narcissistic abuse recovery programs?

The Richard Grannon Community is uniquely designed around the expertise of Richard Grannon, who combines psychotherapeutic approaches with practical resilience techniques. Our program offers comprehensive digital training, interactive learning opportunities, and a supportive community, all aimed at fostering deep understanding and personal growth.

Can I really benefit from the digital training and video library?

Absolutely. Our digital training, including "Unplug from the Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse" and our extensive video library, is crafted to provide you with actionable insights and strategies. These resources are designed to help you build self-assertiveness and establish strong boundaries, crucial steps in overcoming narcissistic abuse.

How interactive are the Ask Richard Q&A sessions and webinars?

Highly interactive. The Ask Richard Q&A sessions and monthly webinars offer you a direct line to Richard Grannon for personalized advice and insights. These interactive platforms are designed to engage you in real-time discussions, ensuring your questions are answered and your concerns addressed.

What kind of support can I expect from the private Community?

Our Private Community is a safe and supportive space where you can connect with others who understand your journey. Here, you'll find encouragement, shared experiences, and insights from peers who are navigating similar paths. It's a place of compassion, understanding, and mutual support.

Is there a commitment period for the $47/month membership?

No, there's no long-term commitment. Our membership is designed to be flexible, with a 2-day free trial to explore the community and its resources. You can cancel anytime if you find that it's not the right fit for you, making it a risk-free opportunity to start.

A smiling man in a black suit and grey shirt.

Ready to join?

Don't miss out on joining the world's #1 online resource for recovering from narcissistic abuse. Every day, members make strides in building confidence, healing broken relationships, and reclaiming their lives. Our supportive community and expert guidance are here to help you every step of the way. We are looking forward to seeing you in the community!

- Richard Grannon