Do the Forward Focussed Course and then Unplug From The Matrix of Narcissistic Abuse as a 30 Day Challenge!

The Unplug From The Matrix Course took 15 months to develop and is pretty heavy work.

The purpose of the course is to get you to a place not only where you recover completely from a narcissistically abusive relationship but to where you will never find yourself within one ever again.

If you have the done the 30 Days Forward Focussed Challenge first, then whilst still riding the waves of positivity it will be possible, within a group setting to do a fast version of the "Unplug" course.

The benefits:

1. you dont have to face the difficult parts on your own

2. you get to skim the course at a rapid pace making it less intimidating when you go back around to doing the work fully and completely in your own time

3. Because you are doing it as a community you will get constant ongoing support

4. if any part of the course gets too difficult you can leave it and come back around in your own time.


Like ripping off a band aid, we can get through a lite version of the course as a group in 30 days. Thats it! Done!
Then if you choose to go back in your own time you can.
You own the full course for life.

Hi folks, Ive changed my mind with this one, I really dont want to push people through the Unplugged Course in 30 Days its too much.

I will consider doing it in 60 days in the future, if you would be interested in that please join this email list 

If you already purchased, dont worry we will refund you and you will still have access to the Future Focussed 30 Day Challenge.

You dont need to take any further action.